Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Rest

This afternoon O asked me to bake some brownies.

Of course the littlest one just had to lick the bowl.

The girls didn't even wait for me to slice the finished product. Fresh off the oven and almost gone.

Finally I just had to take a shot of O's flowers on my kitchen table.

The wise man built his house upon a rock.

So goes the sunday school song. I do hope we are wise because our property is on adobe rock. When the typhoon rains fall it takes quite a while for the water to subside. So now comes this project. We had to dig thorugh the rock (this took a few days) to make a drainage hole, fill it up with gravel, then the top soil. Unlike the grass laying project, we had to hire labor for this.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Backyard Lawn

After the drainage project we had a lot of soil left over. We decided to start on our backyard lawn project and so the extra soil was hauled into the backyard. We then had to manually lay the grass.

As  you can see they come in squares when we buy them. I was grumbling why in the internet they buy the grass like a carpet and they just roll it out. To this Felmar answers we're in not in the US.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


For the past 20 years this is where most of my drain water (especially the laundry water) end up. On the street gutter.
The main street drain is two houses down the street. Our neighbor is currently renovating so we (including the neighbors) decided to bury culvert drainage on their front lawn ending up on the main drain to keep our street dry.


Before and after
